Native Sample Code Fails


I used Corona Enterprise before and was working fine.

With the new updates to Corona SDK. I am using the Corona 2017.3135 (7-Sep-17) with the latest Android studio. Run the ‘Setup Corona’ in the folder.

When trying to build the sample code ‘LaunchingFromNativeUI’, it fails at this point :

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113

Any solution ?

On which device are you getting this error? Seems it is running on x86 CPU.

I am using the android emulator AVD (Nexus 5 API 26) on Mac. Do I need to install it on a real android device ?

Since Corona is built with the ARMv7 architecture in mind, be sure to only use system images with ABI: armeabi-v7a.

That being said, when you set up your Android emulator, be sure to use a System Image with ABI “armeabi-v7a”.

Most likely you are using HAXM and x86 images to increase emulator performance.

I haven’t tried myself but perhaps it will work for you

Thanks Bektur. I notice that my AVD was running x86 instead of arm.

I tried to run the arm simulator on my Mac Air, but it was really laggy and took a long time to load. Had to  run it on an actual Android device.

On which device are you getting this error? Seems it is running on x86 CPU.

I am using the android emulator AVD (Nexus 5 API 26) on Mac. Do I need to install it on a real android device ?

Since Corona is built with the ARMv7 architecture in mind, be sure to only use system images with ABI: armeabi-v7a.

That being said, when you set up your Android emulator, be sure to use a System Image with ABI “armeabi-v7a”.

Most likely you are using HAXM and x86 images to increase emulator performance.

I haven’t tried myself but perhaps it will work for you

Thanks Bektur. I notice that my AVD was running x86 instead of arm.

I tried to run the arm simulator on my Mac Air, but it was really laggy and took a long time to load. Had to  run it on an actual Android device.