tested with versions 2018.3297 and 2018.3301. Buttons labels displayed correctly but the window app does not respond as soon as a button label is clicked.
For example take the composer sample project and add a native.showAlert in the showmen function of scene1.lua.
function scene:show( event ) local phase = event.phase if "did" == phase then print( "1: show event, phase did" ) -- remove previous scene's view composer.removeScene( "scene4" ) -- Update Lua memory text display local showMem = function() image:addEventListener( "touch", image ) text3.isVisible = true text2.text = text2.text .. string.format("%.2g", collectgarbage("count")/1000) .. "MB" text2.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5 native.showAlert ("Composer Sample", "Test showAlert", {"Ok"}) end memTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, showMem, 1 ) end end
When I click on Ok, touch events no longer respond.
I am testing on Chrome Version 66.0.3359.181