I am using iOS Activity plugin for share in my App.
it works fine with most of the Applications but App crashes when I select some specific Apps like : Notes.
I know “Notes” is not useful for Share but it’s in the list when we open Activity popup.
So I just expect that my App or Game should not crash after any application selected in the Activity popup, it can have proper callback same as other Apps like : Email , Facebook, FB Messenger etc
Here is my code:
> local itemsToShare={
> { type="image", value={ filename=filenameOfShareImage, baseDir=system.DocumentsDirectory } },
> { type="string", value=deviceShareText },
> { type="url", value=deviceShareURLlink},
> }
> local options={ items=itemsToShare, listener=popupListener,
> excludedActivities = {"UIActivityTypePrint","UIActivityTypeCopyToPasteboard",
> "UIActivityTypeAssignToContact","UIActivityTypeSaveToCameraRoll",
> "UIActivityTypeAddToReadingList","UIActivityTypeAirDrop"}
> }
> native.showPopup( "activity", options )
– I am using Solar2D 2021.3661
– I am testing on iPad 9(iPad OS 15)
Please let me know if you want more info.