For example, native.newTextField cannot be shown in HTML5 build
hmm… it works pretty well, tested on all latest browsers
what build do you use ? on what browser ?
Make a tiny example demonstrating the problem with: main.lua, build.settings, config.lua and zip it up.
(Don’t zip up your current project. Make a standalone demo of the issue instead.)
That way we can try exactly what you are doing.
Then we can give the best help.
Sorry, my bad, I double checked my code and find some x,y related issue in it.
Then I fixed it and it works well.
Sorry, my bad, I double checked my code and find some x,y related issue in it.
Then I fixed it and it works well.
Good deal. Thanks for the update.
hmm… it works pretty well, tested on all latest browsers
what build do you use ? on what browser ?
Make a tiny example demonstrating the problem with: main.lua, build.settings, config.lua and zip it up.
(Don’t zip up your current project. Make a standalone demo of the issue instead.)
That way we can try exactly what you are doing.
Then we can give the best help.
Sorry, my bad, I double checked my code and find some x,y related issue in it.
Then I fixed it and it works well.
Sorry, my bad, I double checked my code and find some x,y related issue in it.
Then I fixed it and it works well.
Good deal. Thanks for the update.