Need a teacher to teach me everything about Corona

Hi everbody,

I am a developer that uses Gamesalad but really don’t like it! I want to learn how to use something else and I heard Corona SDK was really good! Is there anybody out there that will teach me the basics and anything else I will need to know about it for a small amount of pay. As most know Gamesalad is really no coding so personally I have no idea how to do anything like it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ars914 [import]uid: 91763 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 318245[/import]

@ ars914

Welcome to Corona community and you should check out this website is a great way to start and when ever you run into trouble you can post on forums and someone will usually help you out :wink:
[import]uid: 30314 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69814[/import]

i can suggest to run though all tutorials on the site above, especially Peach Pellen’s tutorials for noobs, they are really great [import]uid: 16142 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69815[/import]

Thanks darkconsoles :slight_smile:

LearningCorona is a great resource but to get started with the basics I’d encourage you to do Corona For Newbies Part 1 - Part 4. They’re ridiculous gentle :wink:

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69854[/import]

Thank you guys! This seems very easy if you put effort into it! With being 12 and all though with school and homework I don’t have too much time to learn this and then acually make an app. Would anyone like to start a team, I can make art very good and have 3 great ideas. If anyone is interested in either helping me or wanting to start a team. I just want one super experienced programmer for the team and we can figure out a pay then. If nobody wants to start a team is there anyone that will always be there if I ever need help, im sure the videos don’t cover everything and I probally wont understand some of it. So if anybody is interested in one of the two things just email me at Thanks a lot everyone!

ars914 [import]uid: 91763 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69881[/import]

You may want to make a post about that in Off Topic or possible MarketPlace as it is more likely to get seen.

If you need help the forum community will always be there as well of course; I specialize in “newbie” stuff (which is why I run Techority) so I’ll try to keep an eye out for your posts.

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69972[/import]

Thanks for the help! [import]uid: 91763 topic_id: 18245 reply_id: 69973[/import]