Need help combining 2 functions

I have a function that allows the user to draw a line on the screen. I now want to have an “instructions” screen that will show a picture of a finger drawing the same line. The function for the finger moving is simple:
local function touchMove()
local touchme= display.newImageRect(‘finger.png’,30 ,38)
touchme.x = 25
touchme.y = 120
group:insert(touchme),{ time = 10000, x= w-45, y= h+20})


The function for the line drawing is a bit more sophisticated. The line, when drawn, will have “static” physics capabilities enabling balls to bounce off of it. Here it is:
function runTouch(e)
if e.phase == “began” then
prev_x = e.x
prev_y = e.y

elseif e.phase == “moved” then
lines[line_number] = display.newLine(prev_x, prev_y, e.x, e.y)
lines[line_number]:setColor(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255))
lines[line_number].width = line_width
dist_x = e.x - prev_x
dist_y = e.y - prev_y
– Add a physics body that’s a flat polygon that follows each segment of the line
physics.addBody(lines[line_number], “static”, {density = 1, friction = 1, bounce = .1, shape = {0, 0, dist_x, dist_y, 0, 0} } )
prev_x = e.x
prev_y = e.y
line_number = line_number + 1
elseif e.phase == “ended” then

Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, runTouch)

When attempting to combine these two functions, I would substitute(touchme.x,touchme.y) for (e.x,e.y) but since a ‘touch event’ is no longer present that is not feasible. Multiple attempts at resolving this has proven unsuccessful. What I am attempting is to have what looks like a finger drawing a straight line that some balls will bounce off of. Thanks for help! [import]uid: 75779 topic_id: 37498 reply_id: 67498[/import]