I’ll tackle the second question first.
There are two parts to adding new networks: adding them to your Solar project, and adding them to your ironsource console.
The first one is simple - just add the relevant adaptor to your build.settings file, as shown in Scott’s docs:
["plugin.applovinIron"] = {
publisherId = "tech.scotth",
supportedPlatforms =
android = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=applovin&type=Android" },
iphone = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=applovin&type=iOS" },
["plugin.chartboostIron"] = {
publisherId = "tech.scotth",
supportedPlatforms =
android = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=chartboost&type=Android" },
iphone = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=chartboost&type=iOS" },
["plugin.unityAdsIron"] = {
publisherId = "tech.scotth",
supportedPlatforms =
android = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=unityAds&type=Android" },
iphone = { url="https://solar2dmarketplace.com/getShared?subFolder=ironsource&sharedName=unityAds&type=iOS" },
There’s no code changes or anything else required in the app.
For the console setup, you will of course need to set up Unity/Applovin/Chartboost on each of their own consoles first as well as creating placements for the different ad types that you need. Then in the ironSource console go to “SDK Networks” and add whichever keys they need to connect to each network. You can then add the details of the placements for that network, which should automatically add them to your mediation waterfall.
I’m not sure I understand your first question though:
why the AdMob network is not competing with mediation
Do you mean you are using Admob in addition to ironSource mediation, rather than adding it to ironSource as one of the mediated networks? I don’t see any benefit to doing this, as the whole point of mediation is to add all the networks and then let the mediator handle who will show an ad.