Need help with restarting

im try to make it so after the game end it restart. i didnt use a storyboard so is it possible 

– Up Code by Devonte Ewers

– Physics

local physics = require(‘physics’)


– Graphics

– Background

local bg = display.newRect(0, 0, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight)

bg:setFillColor(13, 13, 13)

–Title View

local title

local playBtn

local titleView

– Color Circles

local circles = display.newGroup()

– Bar

local bar

– Walls 

local left

local right

local bottom

– Instructions

local ins

–  Score

local score

– Alert

local alertView

– Sounds

local bounceSnd = audio.loadSound(‘bounce.wav’)

local loseSnd = audio.loadSound(‘lose.wav’)

– Variables

local circleTimer

local colors = {{71, 241, 255},{255, 204, 0},{245, 94, 91},{0, 255, 204},{250, 140, 254},}

– Functions

local Main = {}

local startButtonListeners = {}

local showGameView = {}

local gameListeners = {}

local moveBar = {}

local addCircle ={}

local onCollision = {}

local alert = {}

– Main Function

function Main()

    title = display.newImage(‘title.png’)

    playBtn = display.newImage(‘play.png’, 130, 248)

    titleView = display.newGroup(title, playBtn)




function startButtonListeners(action)

    if(action == ‘add’) then

        playBtn:addEventListener(‘tap’, showGameView)


        playBtn:removeEventListener(‘tap’, showGameView)



function showGameView:tap(e), {time = 300, x = -titleView.height, onComplete = function() startButtonListeners(‘rmv’) display.remove(titleView) titleView = nil end})



    – player


    bar = display.newRoundedRect(70, 340, 160, 10, 3) = ‘player’


    – Directions


    local ins = display.newImage(‘ins.png’, 160, 355)

    transition.from(ins, {time = 200, alpha = 0.1, onComplete = function() timer.performWithDelay(2000, function(), {time = 200, alpha = 0.1, onComplete = function() display.remove(ins) ins = nil end}) end) end})


    – Bounds


    left = display.newLine(0, 240, 0, 720)

    left.isVisible = false

    right = display.newLine(320, 240, 320, 720)

    right.isVisible = false

    bottom = display.newLine(160, 480, 480, 480)

    bottom.isVisible = false


    – Score


    score = display.newText(‘0’, 300, 0, ‘Futura’, 15)


    – Physics

    physics.addBody(bar, ‘static’, {filter = {categoryBits = 4, maskBits = 7}})


    physics.addBody(left, ‘static’, {filter = {categoryBits = 4, maskBits = 7}})

    physics.addBody(right, ‘static’, {filter = {categoryBits = 4, maskBits = 7}})

    physics.addBody(bottom, ‘static’, {filter = {categoryBits = 4, maskBits = 7}})




function gameListeners(action)

    if(action == ‘add’) then

        bg:addEventListener(‘touch’, moveBar)

        circleTimer = timer.performWithDelay(2000, addCircle, 5)

        bar:addEventListener(‘collision’, onCollision)

        bottom:addEventListener(‘collision’, alert)


        bg:removeEventListener(‘touch’, moveBar)


        circleTimer = nil

        bar:removeEventListener(‘collision’, onCollision)

        bottom:removeEventListener(‘collision’, alert)



function moveBar(e)

    if(e.phase == ‘moved’) then

        bar.x = e.x

        bar.y = e.y - 40


    if(bar.y < 160) then

        bar.y = 160



function addCircle()

    local r = math.floor(math.random() * 12) + 13

    local c = display.newCircle(0, 0, r)

    c.x = math.floor(math.random() * (display.contentWidth - (r * 2)))

    c.y =  - (r * 2)

    – Circle colors

    local color = math.floor(math.random() * 4) + 1

    c.c1 = colors[color][1]

    c.c2 = colors[color][2]

    c.c3 = colors[color][3]

    c:setFillColor(c.c1, c.c2, c.c3)

    physics.addBody(c, ‘dynamic’, {radius = r, bounce = 0.95, filter = {categoryBits = 2, maskBits = 4}})


    local dir

    if(r < 18) then dir = -1 else dir = 1 end

    c:setLinearVelocity((r*2) * dir, 0 )


function onCollision(e)

    bar:setFillColor(e.other.c1, e.other.c2, e.other.c3)

    score.text = tostring(tonumber(score.text) + 50)

    score:setTextColor(e.other.c1, e.other.c2, e.other.c3)

    score.x = 300


function alert()


    alertView = display.newImage(‘alert.png’, 90, 200)

    transition.from(alertView, {time = 200, alpha = 0.1})

    local scoreTF = display.newText(score.text, 145, 253, ‘Futura’, 17)

    scoreTF:setTextColor(255, 255, 255)

    timer.performWithDelay(100, function() physics.stop() end, 1)

