Need suggestions for Android app development

It’s been almost more then 7 months since I’ve initiated website Country Code Guide but I’ve seen that there is a lot of website traffic that are coming from mobile devices. I want to know should I create a mobile app for the website or consider more about responsiveness of the website?

Hi @countrycodeguide and welcome to the Corona Labs Forum. I should point out that we work very hard to keep these forums spam free, and your post appears to be spam. However, I’m going to go ahead and approve this with the faith that you really are looking for advice from our developers with regards to if you need a mobile app or not and that you may want to either a) use Corona to make that app or b) hire a Corona developer to make an app for you.

If this turns out to be a case of you just driving traffic to your site or you start promoting the site over and over, you will be blocked.
