I am receiving “Network Error; Invalid URL; Error Cracking URL” when attempting to download an image file. Process flow is:
JSON file received from server
Convert to LUA Table
Request image URL location from LUA table
local qstring1 = ‘"’
local qstring2 = newTable[“result”][1][“lead_image”]
local qstring3 = ‘"’
local mashtogether = qstring1…qstring2…qstring3
network.download( mashtogether, “GET”, networkListener,“image3”, system.TemporaryDirectory)
19:43:40.677 Failure cracking URL - “https://mls.mls-ecuador.com/api/images/rs1700457/rs1700457_img_preview.jpg_”
19:43:40.677 Network error: Invalid URL
Link seems OK, could not find extra characters, etc… Perhaps I am missing a hidden character, and will be forced to parse the string?
Thank you