Well, I need to get the HTML of a LATAM airline page. By specifying best, the page where I need to get the HTML is the reservation page of your ticket. The link corresponds to this:
https://www.latam.com/pt_br/apps/personas/mybookings#reservas?recordLocator= _ YOUR RESERVATION CODE _ &lastName= YOUR LAST NAME
So when I come in with a valid link I have something like this:
* I can not pass a valid link because of customer safety
If I paste the valid link in my browser, it loads the page, then loads a little more and shows me my trip date, if I want to change something on the trip, if I want to choose my seats and so on.
What I need to do :
I have spreadsheets with more than 2000 reservations, I just need to check if my spreadsheet reservation is valid or not. Soon I thought: Easy! A network.request to take reservation by reservation and in valid link cases there will be some more information that I will receive in my network.request, so I would do a simple check using the string.find inside the event.response and I would know soon if the reservation is valid or not.
local function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print( "Network error: ", event.response ) else local ans = event.response print ( event.response ) print(" ") print(" ") print( string.find( ans, "data-dtconfig", 1) ) end end local url = "https://www.latam.com/pt\_br/apps/personas/mybookings#reservas?recordLocator=zzzzz&lastName=SILVA" network.request(url, "GET", networkListener )
Problem I found:
Well, regardless if I put a valid link or not, the network request ALWAYS returns error (404) on the page, as if it was not found. And you know what’s weird? If I use WebView it loads the right page.
That is, I am missing something in network.request … Does anyone know me explain what I am doing wrong?
Console response when trying to connect with a valid link:
23:54:05.107 <!DOCTYPE html>
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23:54:05.107 <meta name=“description” content="">
23:54:05.107 <meta property=“og:title” content=“Error 404 LATAM”/>
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23:54:05.107 <h2>404</h2>
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23:54:05.107 <h2 role=“heading” aria-level=“1”>No encontramos la página</h2>
23:54:05.107 <div class=“richtext”>
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23:54:05.107 <h2>Error</h2>
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23:54:05.107 <div class=“ErrorPages-errorNumber”>
23:54:05.107 <h2>404</h2>
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Note: As it now stands, a valid link and an invalid link is not making any difference to the event.response because the network.request is not working correctly