network.request error in tvOS device

I using network.request to get data from my sever, on Apple TV return value =-1. I using Daily Builds 2016.2830

Please help me

Can you post your build.settings please?


settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeRight", --landscapeRight, landscapeLeft, portrait, portraitUpsideDown supported = {"landscapeRight", "landscapeLeft"} }, tvos = { icon = { small = { -- "Icon-tvOS-Small-Top.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-Middle.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-Bottom.png", }, large = { -- "Icon-tvOS-Large-Top.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-Middle.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-Bottom.png", } }, -- Top Shelf image; a 1920x720 image file topShelfImage = "Icon-tvOS-TopShelf.png", -- Launch image; a 1920x1080 image file launchImage = "Icon-tvOS-Launch.png", plist = { GCSupportedGameControllers = { { ProfileName = "ExtendedGamepad" }, { ProfileName = "Gamepad" }, { ProfileName = "MicroGamepad" }, }, GCSupportsControllerUserInteraction = true, } }, }

Please help me!

iOS 9 (and tvOS) require you to access all network services through https instead of http.  Please see:

You just need to add the appropriate plist block to your tvos table with the right ATS commands in it.


Does the tvOS support “NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true },” because it is not working for me?

Yes it does. Can you post your build.settings?


It worked fine. Thanks Rob!

It is now working since I put inside a plist block. You might want to add that tid-bit of info about the plist in the documentation for tvOS. Thanks for your help.

I’ve suggested that we add something there.


Can you post your build.settings please?


settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeRight", --landscapeRight, landscapeLeft, portrait, portraitUpsideDown supported = {"landscapeRight", "landscapeLeft"} }, tvos = { icon = { small = { -- "Icon-tvOS-Small-Top.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-Middle.png", "Icon-tvOS-Small-Bottom.png", }, large = { -- "Icon-tvOS-Large-Top.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-Middle.png", "Icon-tvOS-Large-Bottom.png", } }, -- Top Shelf image; a 1920x720 image file topShelfImage = "Icon-tvOS-TopShelf.png", -- Launch image; a 1920x1080 image file launchImage = "Icon-tvOS-Launch.png", plist = { GCSupportedGameControllers = { { ProfileName = "ExtendedGamepad" }, { ProfileName = "Gamepad" }, { ProfileName = "MicroGamepad" }, }, GCSupportsControllerUserInteraction = true, } }, }

Please help me!

iOS 9 (and tvOS) require you to access all network services through https instead of http.  Please see:

You just need to add the appropriate plist block to your tvos table with the right ATS commands in it.


Does the tvOS support “NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true },” because it is not working for me?

Yes it does. Can you post your build.settings?


It worked fine. Thanks Rob!

It is now working since I put inside a plist block. You might want to add that tid-bit of info about the plist in the documentation for tvOS. Thanks for your help.

I’ve suggested that we add something there.
