network.upload returns 'false' instead of a handle



Code that used to work to upload to my web server, using network.upload, is now failing (I hadn’t tried it for a year, and I’ve edited/recompiled various things since then … but no changes in my separate “upload.lua” file (just in my main.lua file).)

The network.upload call is returning an undocumented result of ‘false’. (The documentation states it returns a handle). (And, FYI, the next two return parameters appear to be empty strings…I hoped it might be something like ‘err, errs’ as some things return, so I checked : )

The upload works on the simulator, but on a real Android after about 4 seconds I get a completion
event (which would imply that the “network.upload” request successfully started the upload!!!),
and the ‘event’ parameter for it shows:

["responseHeaders"] = {
["Connection"] = "close";
["Content-Length"] = "18";
["X-Android-Response-Source"] = "NETWORK 400";
["Date"] = "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 05:15:14 GMT";
["X-Android-Sent-Millis"] = "1629695713494";
["X-Android-Selected-Protocol"] = "http/1.1";
["X-Android-Received-Millis"] = "1629695720425";
["X-Powered-By"] = "PHP/7.3.23";
["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
["HTTP-STATUS-LINE"] = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request";
["Server"] = "Apache/2.4.48 (Amazon)";
["responseType"] = "text";
["phase"] = "ended";
["bytesEstimated"] = 7343549;
["response"] = "Malformed Request\
["name"] = "networkRequest";
["bytesTransferred"] = 7343549;
["status"] = 400;
["url"] = "";
["isError"] = false;
["requestId"] = "false";

Note that the “bytesTransferred” is 7 MB, further implying that the upload worked.

I suspect the answer is probably “your webserver (or PHP code) returned 404”, but
that ‘false’ return from network.upload is a very large unanswered question.

(Both the simulator and the phone are talking from the same local net, to the same remote webserver (name slightly obscured in the above).)

Any suggestions?

