Network Warning -1009?

I have to believe there’s a solution for this lying around somewhere, but as of the 1030/1040 era builds I get a warning message “-1009” about not being able to connect to the internet.

I’m not using any network libraries at all, so I imagine this only goes away if I somehow disable some part of Corona? [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 67487[/import]

Is this on Android? Are you using analytics? [import]uid: 204816 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145651[/import]

iOS, OSX and I’m not manually including any form of analytics. [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145658[/import]

Hi @richard9,
Let me check into this a.s.a.p… I should have an answer within a couple hours or so, or at least further steps to test what’s happening here.

Brent [import]uid: 200026 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145660[/import]


I’m able to reproduce this warning message, we will work to suppress this warning moving forward.
Thanks for the information.

Error during request, code: -1009, details: The Internet
connection appears to be offline. [import]uid: 205364 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145676[/import]

Is this on Android? Are you using analytics? [import]uid: 204816 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145651[/import]

iOS, OSX and I’m not manually including any form of analytics. [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145658[/import]

Hi @richard9,
Let me check into this a.s.a.p… I should have an answer within a couple hours or so, or at least further steps to test what’s happening here.

Brent [import]uid: 200026 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145660[/import]


I’m able to reproduce this warning message, we will work to suppress this warning moving forward.
Thanks for the information.

Error during request, code: -1009, details: The Internet
connection appears to be offline. [import]uid: 205364 topic_id: 37487 reply_id: 145676[/import]