New developer blog

Hello! I’m Adam from AdamsApps. I am brand new to the world of iPhone development. I decided to start a dev blog on what I’m doing and whatnot…

When I first started searching for something like corona, I stumbled on a blog similar to this and it was inspiring for me to start. The person provided statistics and comments on their progress as a developer which was pretty neat. So, I decided to return the favor and maybe someone else will be inspired to start something.

p.s. My name on this forum use to be adamsapps…not sure why that changed though any help on that? Hopefully it isn’t taken by someone on the app store yet haha. [import]uid: 22559 topic_id: 7524 reply_id: 307524[/import]

I just saw this. Cool set up you’ve got :smiley: [import]uid: 8045 topic_id: 7524 reply_id: 27485[/import]