Hello all,
My name is Sebastian, I’m a programmer who truly enjoys Corona SDK and wanted to work with it in an OOP way. Therefore I’ve done some stuff to practice it, and hopefully also a bit help for the others.
I assumed that the best way to do this, would be using samples very similar in mechanics to the ones Corona Labs have made originally.
All the code is OOP redone, a bit changed and with some gfx upgrades - just to make work with it more likable - but still possible to compare with the original ones. Due to this method hopefully users can analyze both codes to get an idea how it works.
I deeply hope it will be helpful for people around and will make their coding easier.
What do you think, should I continue with more samples or maybe you have some critical input?
GPlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.lis.a.sebastian.oopsamplesforcoronasdk
Github: https://github.com/sebastianlis/OOP-Samples-for-Corona-SDK