New Google Play warning

Here’s the new warming:


The developer of play-services-safetynet ( has reported critical issues with version 17.0.0. Consider upgrading before publishing a new release.

Here’s what the SDK developer told us:
The SafetyNet Attestation API is being discontinued and replaced by the new Play Integrity API. Begin migration as soon as possible to avoid user disruption. The Play Integrity API includes all the integrity signals that SafetyNet Attestation offers and more, like Google Play licensing and better error messaging. Learn more and start migrating at Discontinuing the SafetyNet Attestation API  |  Android Developers

Hello! It is very nice idea to create GitHub issues for such matters. But regardless, we need to track down which plugin uses SafetyNet as dependency and fix it. Please, provide your build.settings.file

        ["plugin.facebook.v4a"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", },
        ["plugin.notifications.v2.firebase"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { ["android"] = true } },
        [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        ["CoronaProvider.native.popup.activity"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true } },
        ["plugin.tenjin"] = {publisherId = "com.coronalabs"},
        ["plugin.kochava"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", },
        ["plugin.appsflyer"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
-- this is only used to get the IDFA prior to the ironSource plugin init, which uses the plugin.att on iOS
        ["plugin.advertisingId"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },        
        ['plugin.att'] = { publisherId = 'com.solar2d',supportedPlatforms = { ["iphone"] = true, ["android"] = false } },   --app tracking transparency

        ["plugin.googleSignIn"] = { publisherId = "tech.scotth",marketplaceId = "oljr9d" },
        ["plugin.firebaseAuth"] =	{ publisherId ="tech.scotth",marketplaceId = "oljr9d" },
        ["plugin.firebaseAnalytics"] = {	publisherId = "tech.scotth",marketplaceId = "oljr9d" },

-- these are ironSource plugins
        ["plugin.ironSource"] = {publisherId = "tech.scotth",marketplaceId = "oljr9d"},

        ["plugin.facebookIron"] = {
            publisherId = "tech.scotth",
            supportedPlatforms =
                android = { url="" },
                iphone = { url="" },
        ["plugin.admobIron"] = {
            publisherId = "tech.scotth",
            supportedPlatforms =
                android = { url="" },
                iphone = { url="" },
                --iphone = { url="" }, 
         ["plugin.unityAdsIron"] = {
         publisherId = "tech.scotth",
         supportedPlatforms =
             android = { url="" },
             iphone = { url="" },
        ["plugin.chartboostIron"] = {
         publisherId = "tech.scotth",
         supportedPlatforms =
             android = { url="" },
             iphone = { url="" },
        ["plugin.applovinIron"] = {
         publisherId = "tech.scotth",
         supportedPlatforms =
             android = { url="" },
             iphone = { url="" },
        ["plugin.vungleIron"] = {
          publisherId = "tech.scotth",
          supportedPlatforms =
              android = { url="" },
              iphone = { url="" },
        ["plugin.adColonyIron"] = {
          publisherId = "tech.scotth",
          supportedPlatforms =
              android = { url="" },
              iphone = { url="" },

It likely Google Sign In and Firebase Auth which are causing warnings. Will try to get them updated soon

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Apparently, Google is not accepting my new build until the SafetyNet issue is fixed. This doesn’t make sense to me because it has been showing inReview for several days, and just yesterday, I received this message, while the update is still inReview.

I suppose the words “Critical issues” should make it clear. @Scott_Harrison what’s your timeframe on the plugins?

I just saw another message that is new to this build pertaining to the Tenjin plugin. Any thoughts?

Probably sometime over the weekend

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I just looked Firebase Auth and should be fixed(had a manual replace the SafetyNet API), based on my research Google Sign In should not be the issue. Odd that google won’t accept your build, because technically even the newest version(that was released a week ago) of Firebase Auth still contains SafetyNet SDK.

Anyways, will look at Tenjin soon

Thank you. Once you fix the Tenjin issue, I’ll create a new build.

Tenjin has been fixed

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