Yeah, I’ve managed to implement it in several games. The docs seem to still be in their rough, original form, which doesn’t include all necessary details.
To get the consent form to appear, you need to:
- Set up the consent management message for your apps over at your AdMob profile.
- Require the plugin via
local admob = require( "plugin.admob" )
(make sure you’ve set it up in your build.settings as well).
- Initialize the plugin, via init.
- Upon successly init, you need to first updateConsentForm.
- Then, after a delay, you can getConsentFormStatus.
You can set up the delay in various ways. You could, for instance, fire a timer in the ad listener’s “init” phase after updating the consent form, or you could initialise the plugin when the app starts and get the form status before trying to show your first ad.
I’ll go update the docs to a proper form later this week. I have a few other Solar2D (and non-Solar2D) tasks that I need to sort out first.