New Retro Style Game in Development

Hi all

I joined Corona community few months ago and was preparing myself to start this hobby project of mine for long time. Here it is. a new Retro styled scroll-shooter. I started blog about all the development process as I want to share all the experiences i get while developing it. I do coding and pixel art myself (I’m pixel artist for long time). Check out the blog and let me know what you think.

There’s the preview YT flickshowing the idea and some gfx mockups. 

I even have the plan to finish the development on 1st of July 2014. 

Things are going prety well now. I post on my blog once a week or often. So check it out if you want to see how the development goes.

The most important part is that it’s being developed with Corona and MTE (Million Tiles Engine) so there will be a lot of posts about these technologies (with code snippets, etc) - starting with the first article talking about why I choose Corona over other popular frameworks.

Oh and this game has no name yet.  :wink: