new.TabBar's image example


Someone can share the images used in example’s TabBar?

  • tabBarIconDef.png
  • tabBarIconOver.png
  • tabBarIconDef.png
  • tabBarIconOver.png
  • tabBarIconDef.png
  • tabBarIconOver.png
  • tabBarBack.png
  • tabBarSelL.png
  • tabBarSelR.png
  • tabBarSelM.png
  • widget-tabbar-sheet.png

Best regards

Dear Luch,

in the example there is one image before the example, if you download it the name is : “widget-tabbar-sheet.png”.

Is the sheet images you need for program.

.... } local tabBarSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "widget-tabbar-sheet.png", options )


I’m not sure that image exists anywhere. Personally, I don’t use image sheets for that. I would suggest that you look at two projects here:

There is the business app sample and Corona Weather. Both are fully functional apps that make use of the tabBar.  Also we ship a folder called SampleCode with the Corona install. Inside the SampleCode there is another folder named Interface, and there should be some tabbar based examples there (and one of those may use an image sheet). you can get to the samples from the Corona Welcome screen when you launch Corona.


Dear Luch,

in the example there is one image before the example, if you download it the name is : “widget-tabbar-sheet.png”.

Is the sheet images you need for program.

.... } local tabBarSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "widget-tabbar-sheet.png", options )


I’m not sure that image exists anywhere. Personally, I don’t use image sheets for that. I would suggest that you look at two projects here:

There is the business app sample and Corona Weather. Both are fully functional apps that make use of the tabBar.  Also we ship a folder called SampleCode with the Corona install. Inside the SampleCode there is another folder named Interface, and there should be some tabbar based examples there (and one of those may use an image sheet). you can get to the samples from the Corona Welcome screen when you launch Corona.
