newScrollView - ability to scroll horizontally and vertically at the same time (diagonally)

Rob… Would really appreciate a difinitive answer on if this is even on the radar??

I’ve asked Engineering about this, I’m awaiting a response. 

Thanks for the update rob… Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Hi rob, any response from your engineering team?


I don’t have a response yet.

It’s been a few months now and I’m not seeing any way to scroll diagonally…anyone?

What version of Corona SDK are you using?


Any joy getting this working redpiston?

Rob - if you are asking which version does that mean it has been looked at??

no luck yet. I re-designed my game so it wouldn’t need it for now, but would still like it if a fix is made. I also tried builds 2100 and 2200 with no luck.

Side note, the scrollview is actually a little glitchy as well when you drag fast. I might even create my own scrollview completely at this point.

I first asked about this in October last year so to be honest i wouldn’t expect anything to be done about it :frowning: at least you got a response to your post from corona - I’ve given up asking for updates on this now(on other posts too) as it falls of deaf ears.

As a scroll view you would think the ability to scroll in both directions would be a pretty basic requirement ( to me anyway) but not many people are complaining about it so maybe not…

It’s a shame as I can’t really work around it for the game I wanted to do…

All the best with your game and if you do write a scroll view control let me know as I’d be happy to pay for it!


Also, I havnt noticed the initially glitchyness you mentioned… Can you give a little more detail as to what is happening for u?

Rob… Would really appreciate a difinitive answer on if this is even on the radar??

I’ve asked Engineering about this, I’m awaiting a response. 

Thanks for the update rob… Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Hi rob, any response from your engineering team?


I don’t have a response yet.