If anyone is interested I (think) have managed to resolve this… I hadn’t realised that the widget source was available so it didn’t occur to me to look at the source myself. anyway, I downloaded it as per the pinned article (http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/34183-widgets-20-open-source/) and managed to tweak the code. I have not properly tested it but it might be useful to a few people. the fix is as follows:
open the file widget_momentumScrolling.lua
locate the function M._runtime and comment out the line “if “horizontal” == view._moveDirection then” and its corresponding else / end statements
locate the function M._touch( view, event ) and comment out the same code there
That should do it… as i said I have not properly tested it and it might cause some funnies so use at your risk…
Just a quick rant for the corona staff… I was dissapointed at the lack of response to this thread and the one that was already opened (which I also commented in). I have just started using corona and maybe it is because i am not (yet) a pro user but for myself and probably other, I dont want to go Pro until I am happy with what corona can offer… this includes the support.
I know you guys are busy doing a great job on other cool stuff but just wanted to air my frustration with this particular issue
If you do read this, maybe you could let the forum know if there was a reason the vertical and horizontal movements were exclusive… i.e. did it cause problems that I have not spotted? if not, can someone include this in the main widgets release?
Anyway, hopefully this will help someone else