I’m getting confused by the results of the loop below:
local param={ path=path, baseDir=baseDir, isAbsolute=isAbsolute } local dir=derivePath(param) local setups={} for file in lfs.dir(dir) do local folderPath=dir.."/"..file if file~=".." and file~="." and lfs.chdir(folderPath) then local config=jsonreader.load(folderPath.."/task.json") if config then setups[#setups+1]={file=file,searchParam=param} assert(param) end end end print ("Listed",serpent.block(setups),{comment=false})
For a reason I don’t understand the print out at the end of the example prints the following:
Listed {
file = “one”,
searchParam = {
isAbsolute = true,
path = “valid/file/path”
file = “two”,
searchParam = nil
file = “three”,
searchParam = nil
file = “four”,
searchParam = nil
I don’t see how each of the subsequent search param fields can be nil after the first is set. If param was set to nil the assert would trigger. I’ve added printout to display the value of param, and it does not change during the loop. Each iteration it remains
{ isAbsolute = true, path = "valid/file/path" }
Yet somehow all the searchParam fields bar the first one are set to nil by the time the loop complete!