No automatic delete?

Hi all,

I’m experiencing something strange with my code: director does not remove my images, although I add them to a group. I re-read the code again and again, and yet, I cannot spot the error.

Basically, I add some images, and center them on screen. When transitioning to the very same scene , I get duplicate images. At first I though that saving the image table pointer was the culprit, but as you can see, I commented it and still I get duplicates.

Can somebody see what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks & Cheers!


module(…, package.seeall)

local director = require(“director”)
local platform = require(“platform”)
local utils = require(“utils”)

local crt = display.newGroup()

new = function(params)
– Menu items { image, scene, pointer, timer }
local menuItems =
{ img = “images/menu1.jpg”, scene = “scratch”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu2.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu3.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu4.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu5.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu6.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil }

– Graphics and number of items per row
local w = 260
local x = platform.left() + w / 2
local y = + w / 2
local n = 3
– The menu group
local grp = display.newGroup()

for i, val in ipairs(menuItems) do

– Add menu item
local menuImage = utils.newScaledImage(val.img, { width = w })
menuImage.x = x
menuImage.y = y
menuImage:rotate(math.random(-5, 5))
–val.ptr = menuImage

– Last row with #items == 2
print("i == " … i … " width == " … grp.width)

– Layout
if ((i + 1) % n) == 1 and (i ~= 1) then
– Move to the next line
x = w / 2
y = y + 50 + w
x = x + 50 + w

menuImage:addEventListener(“tap”, function(event) director:changeScene(menuItems[i].scene, “crossfade”) end)

grp.x = (platform.right() - platform.left() - grp.width ) / 2
grp.y = (platform.bottom() - - grp.height) / 2

timer.performWithDelay(1000, function(event)[1].ptr, { time = 200, rotation = 45 }) end)


return crt
[/code] [import]uid: 94362 topic_id: 33907 reply_id: 333907[/import]

One thing I see that may be causing you a problem. In Corona, a display object can be in only one group at a time.


You put it in crt, which is your director managed group, but then you immediately remove it from crt and put it into grp taking it out of director’s hands.

Try taking out that add to grp. Or if it needs to be there, don’t insert menuImage into crt, but insert grp into crt.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33907 reply_id: 134814[/import]

One thing I see that may be causing you a problem. In Corona, a display object can be in only one group at a time.


You put it in crt, which is your director managed group, but then you immediately remove it from crt and put it into grp taking it out of director’s hands.

Try taking out that add to grp. Or if it needs to be there, don’t insert menuImage into crt, but insert grp into crt.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 33907 reply_id: 134814[/import]

Hi Rob,

I commented crt:insert, so now I’m inserting the group into the director’s managed group… but I still get duplicates… I am doing something wrong here, btw,

module(…, package.seeall)

local director = require(“director”)
local platform = require(“platform”)
local utils = require(“utils”)

– Screen content
local crt = display.newGroup()

new = function(params)
– Menu items { image, scene, pointer, timer }
local menuItems =
{ img = “images/menu1.jpg”, scene = “scratch”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu2.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu3.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu4.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu5.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu6.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil }

– Graphics and number of items per row
local w = 260
local x = platform.left() + w / 2
local y = + w / 2
local n = 3
– The menu group
local grp = display.newGroup()

for i, val in ipairs(menuItems) do

– Add menu item
local menuImage = utils.newScaledImage(val.img, { width = w })
menuImage.x = x
menuImage.y = y
menuImage:rotate(math.random(-5, 5))
–val.ptr = menuImage

– Last row with #items == 2
print("i == " … i … " width == " … grp.width)

– Layout
if ((i + 1) % n) == 1 and (i ~= 1) then
– Move to the next line
x = w / 2
y = y + 50 + w
x = x + 50 + w

– Add event listener for each menu
menuImage:addEventListener(“tap”, function(event) director:changeScene(menuItems[i].scene, “crossfade”) end)

grp.x = (platform.right() - platform.left() - grp.width ) / 2
grp.y = (platform.bottom() - - grp.height) / 2

timer.performWithDelay(1000, function(event)[1].ptr, { time = 200, rotation = 45 }) end)


return crt
[/code] [import]uid: 94362 topic_id: 33907 reply_id: 135105[/import]

Hi Rob,

I commented crt:insert, so now I’m inserting the group into the director’s managed group… but I still get duplicates… I am doing something wrong here, btw,

module(…, package.seeall)

local director = require(“director”)
local platform = require(“platform”)
local utils = require(“utils”)

– Screen content
local crt = display.newGroup()

new = function(params)
– Menu items { image, scene, pointer, timer }
local menuItems =
{ img = “images/menu1.jpg”, scene = “scratch”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu2.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu3.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu4.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu5.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil },
{ img = “images/menu6.jpg”, scene = “menu”, ptr = nil, timer = nil }

– Graphics and number of items per row
local w = 260
local x = platform.left() + w / 2
local y = + w / 2
local n = 3
– The menu group
local grp = display.newGroup()

for i, val in ipairs(menuItems) do

– Add menu item
local menuImage = utils.newScaledImage(val.img, { width = w })
menuImage.x = x
menuImage.y = y
menuImage:rotate(math.random(-5, 5))
–val.ptr = menuImage

– Last row with #items == 2
print("i == " … i … " width == " … grp.width)

– Layout
if ((i + 1) % n) == 1 and (i ~= 1) then
– Move to the next line
x = w / 2
y = y + 50 + w
x = x + 50 + w

– Add event listener for each menu
menuImage:addEventListener(“tap”, function(event) director:changeScene(menuItems[i].scene, “crossfade”) end)

grp.x = (platform.right() - platform.left() - grp.width ) / 2
grp.y = (platform.bottom() - - grp.height) / 2

timer.performWithDelay(1000, function(event)[1].ptr, { time = 200, rotation = 45 }) end)


return crt
[/code] [import]uid: 94362 topic_id: 33907 reply_id: 135105[/import]