No internet connection in simulator

I am running on Corona SDK simulator build 2020.3580
I cannot connect to any kind of network, plugins do not install and network operations do not succeed.
I am not sure what is the problem, but I made sure simulator is enabled in firewall and that my internet connection has no issues, in fact I tried using several different networks and none work.

I even tried the simple demo app “AsyncHTTP” and also receive “Connection Failure”

I am still using Corona SDK simulator because we’re not yet ready to move to Solar2D.

I am using Corona 2020.3575 (slightly older than yours), and it still works and builds like normal. check your firewall and antivirus. My antivirus usually blocks it (even though I put corona as trusted…)

Turned off antivirus, turned off firewall, ran as adminstrator, updated to 2020.3582
Even tried to open windows in safe mode, but didn’t work because OpenGL is required.

Nothing fixed the issue :pensive:

How about posting a little bit of your code?

Try checking the version of OpenGL you have installed with this free tool I also had similar issue a while ago and it got fixed once I updated my windows 10 and nvidia driver

Lol there’s no code, I am simply saying Corona Simulator program is not accepting any network connection, If you want code that illustrates how connections are refused here is the AsyncHTTP sample from Corona
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

local json = require("json")

-- Access Google over SSL:
local url = ""

local myTitle = display.newText("AsyncHTTP", display.contentCenterX, 15, native.systemFont, 20)
local myText = display.newText("(Waiting for response)", display.contentCenterX, 45, native.systemFont, 14)

local myInfoBackground = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY + 30, display.contentWidth - 20, display.contentHeight - 80 )
local myInfo = display.newText("", myInfoBackground.x, myInfoBackground.y, myInfoBackground.width - 10, myInfoBackground.height - 10, "Courier New", 8)
myInfo:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 )

local function networkListener( event )
	if ( event.isError ) then
		myText.text = "Network error!"
		myInfo.text = "networkRequest event: " .. json.prettify(event)

		local rawResponse = event.response

		myText.text = "Server responded with HTTP status " .. event.status
		event.response = "<data from retrieved URL is available here>"
		myInfo.text = "networkRequest event: " .. json.prettify(event) .. "\n\n(see console for complete network event)"

		print ( "networkRequest event: " .. json.prettify(event) )
		print ( "RESPONSE: " .. tostring(rawResponse) )

myInfo.text = "Requesting " .. url .. " ..."

network.request( url, "GET", networkListener )

-- Update the app layout on resize event.
local function onResize( event )
	-- Update title.
	myTitle.x = display.contentCenterX
	myText.x = display.contentCenterX

	-- Update response field background.
	myInfoBackground.x = display.contentCenterX
	myInfoBackground.y = display.contentCenterY + 30
	myInfoBackground.width = display.contentWidth - 20
	myInfoBackground.height = display.contentHeight - 80

	-- Update response field. This does not update cleanly, and needs to be recreated.
	local myInfoText = myInfo.text
	myInfo = display.newText(myInfoText, myInfoBackground.x, myInfoBackground.y, myInfoBackground.width - 10, myInfoBackground.height - 10, "Courier New", 8)
	myInfo:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 )
Runtime:addEventListener( "resize", onResize )

-- On tvOS, we want to make sure we stay awake.
-- We also want to ensure that the menu button exits the app.
if system.getInfo( "platformName" ) == "tvOS" then
	system.activate( "controllerUserInteraction" )
	system.setIdleTimer( false )

Response is always “Connection Failure”.
Even plugins could not be downloaded!

I tried turning off antivirus and firewall, didn’t work
Tried using different Internet Networks, didn’t work
Tried to update Corona Simulator version, didn’t work
Tried booting windows in Safe mode, couldn’t test because Corona requires OpenGL (which is turned off in Safe mode)

RESPONSE: <!doctype html>Google(function(){{kEI:'7esaX8ypBfrG4-EP-
… and so on…

Do you use
“android.permission.INTERNET” ?

Yes I do…

Weird thing is, I built the app for windows, and problem still occurs, and previous windows builds now don’t work (they worked before).
Even previous mobile apps doesn’t connect to internet in the simulator, but connects fine in mobile device.

So I am 100% pretty sure the problem is in my Laptop, but cannot understand why only happens to Corona Simulator and Corona’s windows built apps :thinking: :thinking:

Sounds to me like a firewall issue.

I thought the same, but the fact that I completely disabled firewall and problem still persists makes me doubt it.

I have no clue as to what to do now.
Tried removing Corona completely (data and files) and re-installing but still no luck !

Problem has been solved

Just did a System Restore. (only program that was installed after this System Image was ProtonVPN, but I was not using it anyways :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: )