Not sure if I am going about this properly - storyboard api and native.newvideo listeners

So I am new as far as fundamentals go to corona development and I am trying to build a duplicate version of a video app I have already done in director, using the storyboard api.

My main issue is that I cannot get my video listener to fire properly and I’m wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I don’t know if I am placing my listener in the wrong area or if I am doing something fundamentally wrong but I have been unsuccessful moving to a new scene (in this case video_test) after the video has ended.

local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
local bgImage  
 local video = native.newVideo( 0, 0, 1024, 768 )  
 local function videoListener( event )  
 if event.errorCode then  
 native.showAlert( "Error!", event.errorMessage, { "OK" } )  
 if event.phase == "ended" then  
 storyboard.gotoScene( "video\_test" )  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local screenGroup = self.view  
 bgImage = display.newImage( "assets/home\_bg.png" )  
 video:load( "test.mp4")  
 video:seek( 0 )  
 video:addEventListener( "video", videoListener )  
function scene:enterScene( event )  
 local prior\_scene = storyboard.getPrevious()  
 storyboard.purgeScene( prior\_scene )  
function scene:exitScene( event )  
 print( "1: exitScene event" )  
function scene:destroyScene( event )  
 print( "((destroying Home Screen view))" )  
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )  
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )  
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )  
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )  
return scene  

[import]uid: 150370 topic_id: 36293 reply_id: 336293[/import]

I have solved my issue, looks like my listener was firing fine, I was just not removing my video object so I couldn’t see that.

[import]uid: 150370 topic_id: 36293 reply_id: 144175[/import]

I have solved my issue, looks like my listener was firing fine, I was just not removing my video object so I couldn’t see that.

[import]uid: 150370 topic_id: 36293 reply_id: 144175[/import]

I have solved my issue, looks like my listener was firing fine, I was just not removing my video object so I couldn’t see that.

[import]uid: 150370 topic_id: 36293 reply_id: 144175[/import]

I have solved my issue, looks like my listener was firing fine, I was just not removing my video object so I couldn’t see that.

[import]uid: 150370 topic_id: 36293 reply_id: 144175[/import]