I am part of the way to having my game ported to WP8. I am using Parallels on my macbook pro to run Windows 8 and I bought a Lumia 635 ($99 on amazon) to test.
Here are some things I had to do to get it to work:
In Parallels, set num CPUs to 2, memory to 4GB, and enable Nested Virtualization
Install “Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows” – there are lots of different types of Visual Studio
In calls to io.open, I had to remove system.pathForFile() for some reason (so I am just using io.open(filename))
I am using device.lua to tell Android from iOS. Corona calls WP8 “Not Supported Yet”, which device.lua thinks is Android.
Because my game is landscape, in MainPage.xaml, I had to change “supportedOrientations” to “Landscape”, and set “Orientation” to “LandscapeRight”.
My custom fonts had to have their “Build Action” set to “Content”, and I also had to change the font name to include the font family name (there are threads on this)
I had one sprite with a non-integer width (27.5) and that caused crashes so I had to fix that.
Currently I am struggling with a very unresponsive game (“User Interface Thread FPS” ( usually about 3 and Render Thread FPS is about 30), and crashes probably due to memory leaks (when the total memory used by the phone goes above 300MB it crashes). I don’t have any real memory leaks in Android/iOS (just ebbs and flows AFAIK) so I don’t know how to fix this yet…
It would be nice to share tips on how to get WP8 performance up. OmNomster performs pretty well on my Lumia 635. For now I am just replacing sprites with static images, which is sad…