So I am trying to use the notifications.subscribe( topic ) functionality in my app but every time I try to use it on my mobile device, this shows up in the log:
[Device] ERROR: ScheduleDay.lua:28: notifications.subscribe( topic ), options table expected, got string
[Device] UNUserNotificationCenter permissions granted
[Device] iPhone OS
My original code is this: notifications.subscribe(“upperSchool_Feed”)
I thought it may not like that string so I changed it to this: notifications.subscribe(“news”). The error occurs in both situations. I do not believe this is an issue in how I set up the plugin because I can send notifications to any user who allows notifications on iOS as well as I can target specific devices through FCM device token option. I also looked at the docs for plugin.notifications.v2 and it says that the value within the parenthesis should be a string so I am very confused about why it is looking for “options table”. Please help.