Numerical text input

Is there any way to introduce decimal numbers using a coma “,”? I have a text field with decimal input type but my app does not recognize the coma. i Have to enter the values using a dot “.”. Is it possible to use a coma instead?

you can always get string from input “12,25”, replace comma with dot “12.25” and perform tonumber(“12.25”)

local converted, count = string.gsub( someNativeField.text, "%,", "%." ) local value = tonumber(converted)

Thanks for your help piotrz55!

you can always get string from input “12,25”, replace comma with dot “12.25” and perform tonumber(“12.25”)

local converted, count = string.gsub( someNativeField.text, "%,", "%." ) local value = tonumber(converted)

Thanks for your help piotrz55!