'object.rotation' does not work when my object is being controlled via joystick.


When I try to rotate my player-tank to match its original starting rotation, it doesn’t work…
As I explain in the video, I think it has to do with the joystick module.
(HD when downloaded)

Here is my re-spawn function code:
local function playerDestroyed()
    local function HidePlayer()        
        user_tank.x = - 300
        user_tank.y = - 300
        Ptank.isVisible = false        
    timer.performWithDelay(25, HidePlayer)

    LeftStick.isVisible = false
    LeftStick.isHitTestable = false
    transRect.isHitTestable = false
    PTMBtn.isVisible = false
    PTMBtn.isHitTestable = false   
    PTMBtnbgi.isVisible = false
    if lives < 3 then
        local function respawnPlayer()
            local function revealPlayer()
                user_tank.x = 219
                user_tank.y = 205
                user_turret.rotation = 270
                transition.to(user_tank, {timer = 3000, rotation = 270})
                Ptank.isVisible = true

            timer.performWithDelay(25, revealPlayer)
            LeftStick.isVisible = true
            LeftStick.isHitTestable = true
            transRect.isHitTestable = true
            PTMBtn.isVisible = true
            PTMBtn.isHitTestable = true   
            PTMBtnbgi.isVisible = true

        timer.performWithDelay(4000, respawnPlayer, 1 )    

local function onPlayerCollision(self, event)
    if (event.phase == “began” and event.other.class == “EnemyBullet”) then
        print(" Player DEAD ")
        lives = lives - 1
        EnemyBulletCount = EnemyBulletCount - 1        
        ExplosionEmitter2 = Particles.GetEmitter(“ExplosionEmitter2”)
        ExplosionEmitter2.x = user_tank.x
        ExplosionEmitter2.y = user_tank.y
        timer.performWithDelay(25, playerDestroyed)
– Crude as it may be, it works. :stuck_out_tongue:

And here is a link to the joystick module code: link

Any 'n all comments, opinions or tips are welcome.


I could write a function that could spawn multiple player tanks, but I rather not if there is an easy fix to my current problem.


I figured out why the joystick was causing the weird rotation issue.
Regardless, I decided to go ahead and write a different function for handling player re-spawning - everything works great now.

If you’re having a similar issue, then just comment and I’ll be happy to help.



I could write a function that could spawn multiple player tanks, but I rather not if there is an easy fix to my current problem.


I figured out why the joystick was causing the weird rotation issue.
Regardless, I decided to go ahead and write a different function for handling player re-spawning - everything works great now.

If you’re having a similar issue, then just comment and I’ll be happy to help.

