Off The Charts - Educational Stock Market Game

Hello Corona Community! 

Over the past month, my team and I have started the creation of a revolutionary way to learn the stock market!

The app is called “Off the Charts”.  It will be a free app on the iOS App Store (will port it to android eventually).

We found a gap in the market. According to a recent study, 53% of people who have shown any interest in stocks don’t have enough knowledge on trading, buying, or selling shares.  23% of the people don’t have the money to invest.  

Off the Charts solves this problem and fills a need like never before.

Learning is made easy, and is even disguised into gameplay. Education and gaining experience isn’t fun alone!

Join a company with other people with the same interests as you, and build your knowledge TOGETHER!

Currently the app is still in development…

However, if you sign-up to our email list now, you will get EARLY-BIRD ACCESS to our app, along with other updates and deals!

Our Website:


-Team Off the Charts