Official Vungle Sample App not working on iPhone 4S

Hi guys,

I tried to run Official Vungle Sample App on my iPhone 4S (that is running on iOS 9), and “Please wait…” background stays the same (no ad is shown).
So I have changed appID for Android in main.lua, and added Android plugin settings in build.settings, and app runs (shows ads) on Samsung Galaxy S3 mini.

Any ideas why app does not work on iPhone 4S?
How to test that app in xCode?

Many thanks.

Hi Ivan,

Can you please check if your ATS is set?



Hi Aki,


  1. I just created blank new xCode project and changed Info.plist file as per your instructions

  2. Then I built my and installed it on iPad Mini 2 using (xCode  WINDOW -> DEVICES  ).

No, it does not work (ads are not showing).

Ads are working normally on Android platform.

Do you know how to add MyApp .app and  MyApp .dSYM files to new blank xCode project?

My App build.settings file:

NOTE: I am a basic user, so I include plist (or I leave it for Enterprise users only)?

-- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight settings = {                                 orientation = {                                default = "portrait"                 },                                 iphone = {                                plist = {                                       UIStatusBarHidden = false,                                       UIPrerenderedIcon = true, -- set to false for "shine" overlay                                }                 },                 plugins = {                 -- Add this to use Vungle                 [""] =                 {                     publisherId = "com.vungle",                 },                 -- Add this if targeting Android and using                 -- Corona SDK version 2014.2264 or greater                 -- [""] = {                 --         publisherId = "com.coronalabs"                 -- },         },                                  --[[                -- Android permissions                 androidPermissions = {                                "android.permission.INTERNET",                 },                ]]-- }

Thank you.


Hi Ivan,

Can you please check if your ATS is set?



Hi Aki,


  1. I just created blank new xCode project and changed Info.plist file as per your instructions

  2. Then I built my and installed it on iPad Mini 2 using (xCode  WINDOW -> DEVICES  ).

No, it does not work (ads are not showing).

Ads are working normally on Android platform.

Do you know how to add MyApp .app and  MyApp .dSYM files to new blank xCode project?

My App build.settings file:

NOTE: I am a basic user, so I include plist (or I leave it for Enterprise users only)?

-- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight settings = {                                 orientation = {                                default = "portrait"                 },                                 iphone = {                                plist = {                                       UIStatusBarHidden = false,                                       UIPrerenderedIcon = true, -- set to false for "shine" overlay                                }                 },                 plugins = {                 -- Add this to use Vungle                 [""] =                 {                     publisherId = "com.vungle",                 },                 -- Add this if targeting Android and using                 -- Corona SDK version 2014.2264 or greater                 -- [""] = {                 --         publisherId = "com.coronalabs"                 -- },         },                                  --[[                -- Android permissions                 androidPermissions = {                                "android.permission.INTERNET",                 },                ]]-- }

Thank you.
