Hi guys I have a problem with stwitching the scenes through buttons everytime I get an Error at the OnEvent.
If u have a shorter way to programm it pls dont hold it back…
local composer = require( "composer" ) display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) composer.gotoScene( "menue" )
local composer = require( "composer" ) local widget = require("widget") local scene = composer.newScene() -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All code outside of the listener functions will only be executed ONCE unless "composer.removeScene()" is called. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- local forward references should go here local function gotogamemenue( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local options = { effect = "fade", time = 800, } composer.gotoScene( "gamemenue", options) end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "scene:create()" function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Initialize the scene here. -- Example: add display objects to "sceneGroup", add touch listeners, etc. end -- "scene:show()" function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen). local background = display.newImage( "background.png" ) local buttonNewGame = widget.newButton { width = 100, height = 100, defaultFile = "add.png", overFile = "addclick.png", onEvent = "gotogamemenue", } buttonNewGame.x = display.contentCenterX / 1 buttonNewGame.y = display.contentCenterY / 1.7 local buttonGalerie = widget.newButton { width = 100, height = 100, defaultFile = "galerie.png", overFile = "galerieclick.png", onEvent = "gotogamemenue", } buttonGalerie.x = display.contentCenterX / 1 buttonGalerie.y = display.contentCenterY / 0.7 elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called when the scene is now on screen. -- Insert code here to make the scene come alive. -- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc. end end -- "scene:hide()" function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen). -- Insert code here to "pause" the scene. -- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio, etc. elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called immediately after scene goes off screen. end end -- "scene:destroy()" function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup"). -- Insert code here to clean up the scene. -- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc. end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Listener setup scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene
local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All code outside of the listener functions will only be executed ONCE unless "composer.removeScene()" is called. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- local forward references should go here -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "scene:create()" function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Initialize the scene here. -- Example: add display objects to "sceneGroup", add touch listeners, etc. end -- "scene:show()" function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen). elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called when the scene is now on screen. -- Insert code here to make the scene come alive. -- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc. end end -- "scene:hide()" function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen). -- Insert code here to "pause" the scene. -- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio, etc. elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called immediately after scene goes off screen. end end -- "scene:destroy()" function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup"). -- Insert code here to clean up the scene. -- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc. end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Listener setup scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene
I really would appreciate some help pls…
Greetings Adrian