oneShot particles emitter strange behavior

I’m getting some odd behavior with particles emitting from emitters using oneShot. It seems that the FIRST time I start an emitter with a oneShot effect the particles are being rendered invisible, OR flash visibility on and off with every frame update, depending on if I update particles at the beginning of my enterFrame main game loop or at the end. All subsequent uses of that emitter render normally, whether for oneShot or non-oneShot emitting particles.

Any idea what’s going on? Is there a workaround? [import]uid: 9422 topic_id: 12374 reply_id: 312374[/import]

Xenon, could you please send in a small sample code to demonstrate this? [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 12374 reply_id: 45430[/import]

Turns out the culprit was a bad png image file I was using as the particle image for my oneShot effects. Resaving the png fixed everything.

This was tough to debug since the bad png actually rendered correctly in the simulator, albeit with the odd behavior detailed above. Only when I built and ran on an actual device and there were different odd behaviors (the png didn’t render and the framerate slowed to a crawl when the oneShot particle emitter fired) did I think to suspect the actual image file.

So, not a Particle Candy issue! Sorry for the false alarm. Lesson here is when using a file with a png extension in Corona be double sure it is actually a png format file.
[import]uid: 9422 topic_id: 12374 reply_id: 45497[/import]