
I wanted to find out if the local client sends out an event (raiseEvent() ) does that same client receive the onEvent() call ? Do I need to check for isLocal for each onEvent raised?

If my player pushed the move up button  I want to send that move to everyone else in the game via raiseEvent(). Should I move my player when the button is pushed or should I wait for the onEvent() before moving the player?

Chris Rennie

By default client doesn’t receive that event. You can change this by setting ‘receivers’ option to ‘ReceiverGroup.All’ in raiseEvent method. See

Cool, that’s what I needed to know. 


By default client doesn’t receive that event. You can change this by setting ‘receivers’ option to ‘ReceiverGroup.All’ in raiseEvent method. See

Cool, that’s what I needed to know. 
