OOP with modules

Hello guys, sorry in advance for my bad english. Today i just tried to embody little program with OOP with modules, and i have one trouble. Suppose there is such a code:

local tab = {}
function tab.tap()
–some piece of code for which I’m too stupid to write
function tab:new(x,y)
local object ={}
setmetatable(object, self)
self.__index = self
object.image = display.newImageRect(“image”, x, y)
object.image.x, object.image.y = 300,300
object.image:addEventListener(“tap”, tab.tap)
return tab

local tab = {} 
function tab.print()
function tab:new(x,y) 
local object ={} 
setmetatable(object, self) 
self.__index = self 
object.image = display.newImageRect(“image2”, x,y) 
object.image.x, object.image.y = 600,600 
return tab 

class1 = require “class1”
class2 = require “class2”

object1 = class1:new(300,300)
object2 = class2:new(500,500)

How do I make it so that when I tap on object1 it calls object2.print and it print, as example, object1.image.x?
They out of scope of each other, and i dunno, what to do.
(i can define methods of every object in main.lua, but then modularity loses it meaning, i think?)
P.S. Sry for monkey code.

You don’t need to use metatables and proxy objects like that.  You can just write modules to do this work:

-- file: mod1.lua -- local m = {} local function tap( self, event ) print("tapped object at", self.x, self.y ) end function m.new( x, y, size )  local object = display.newImageRect("image.png", size, size )  object.x = x  object.y = y object.tap = tap object:addEventListener("tap") return object end end return m

Then later use it like this:

local m1 = require "mod1" local tmp = m1.new(300,300) local tmp = m1.new(500,500)


If you are looking for a more structured approach to OOP with Lua, I highly recommend the 30Log library. I have been using it for years. Documentation can be found here.


You don’t need to use metatables and proxy objects like that.  You can just write modules to do this work:

-- file: mod1.lua -- local m = {} local function tap( self, event ) print("tapped object at", self.x, self.y ) end function m.new( x, y, size )  local object = display.newImageRect("image.png", size, size )  object.x = x  object.y = y object.tap = tap object:addEventListener("tap") return object end end return m

Then later use it like this:

local m1 = require "mod1" local tmp = m1.new(300,300) local tmp = m1.new(500,500)


If you are looking for a more structured approach to OOP with Lua, I highly recommend the 30Log library. I have been using it for years. Documentation can be found here.
