Hello guys, sorry in advance for my bad english. Today i just tried to embody little program with OOP with modules, and i have one trouble. Suppose there is such a code:
local tab = {}
function tab.tap()
–some piece of code for which I’m too stupid to write
function tab:new(x,y)
local object ={}
setmetatable(object, self)
self.__index = self
object.image = display.newImageRect(“image”, x, y)
object.image.x, object.image.y = 300,300
object.image:addEventListener(“tap”, tab.tap)
return tab
local tab = {}
function tab.print()
function tab:new(x,y)
local object ={}
setmetatable(object, self)
self.__index = self
object.image = display.newImageRect(“image2”, x,y)
object.image.x, object.image.y = 600,600
return tab
class1 = require “class1”
class2 = require “class2”
object1 = class1:new(300,300)
object2 = class2:new(500,500)
How do I make it so that when I tap on object1 it calls object2.print and it print, as example, object1.image.x?
They out of scope of each other, and i dunno, what to do.
(i can define methods of every object in main.lua, but then modularity loses it meaning, i think?)
P.S. Sry for monkey code.