Open Sourcing Corona Cloud?

Has any thought been given to open sourcing Corona Cloud?

marble68 - we have actually given the code to customers who were using Cloud. If you would like access to it, I can arrange that. However, there are 2 important terms:

  1. We cannot support the code or use of the code

  2. It is not intended for commercial use, just your own use (or for your own apps)

Feel free to email me: david AT coronalabs

Emailed you.

marble68 - we have actually given the code to customers who were using Cloud. If you would like access to it, I can arrange that. However, there are 2 important terms:

  1. We cannot support the code or use of the code

  2. It is not intended for commercial use, just your own use (or for your own apps)

Feel free to email me: david AT coronalabs

Emailed you.