Openssl on M1 (arm64)

Hi all,
I tried to run a simulator (2021.3663) for an app with openssl plugin in New Macbook Pro (M1 Pro) but I encountered the following error:

Error loading module 'plugin_openssl' from file '/Users/Raymond/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib':

dlopen(/Users/Raymond/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib, 0x0002): tried: '/Users/Raymond/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e')), '/usr/lib/plugin_openssl.dylib' (no such file)

File: error loading module 'plugin_openssl' from file '/Users/Raymond/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib'

Anyone know what can I do for this? Thanks

Yes. On fortunately it is not available (yet?). Building Solar2D OpenSSL is super tricky and honestly I gave up when ported all other plug-ins.
Probably should look into it again

Well. I can give it a try. I think I still have it running on my machine. It would be nice to get the x86 running also.

Thanks all!

TBH I still have the old MacBook Pro to build the app. But it is very inconvenient to do development when I need to switch between two computers

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I have the same error on Mac Mini M1. Please let me know if you can find a solution.


Any good news on it? :rofl:
Actually I finished the update on my old app and not urgent for this. But I would like to know the status so that I can have a planning on using solar2D.


I was going to build it for it, but I realized that I need an M1 to build it for the M1. I don’t have an M1 machine. If somebody wants to lend me one for a month, I can get it done. Otherwise, there is always a chance that my apps or youtube channel has a sudden surge and I can afford a brand new MacBook or at least a MacMini.

Same Problem here: plugin_openssl.dylib
(mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘x86_64’, need ‘arm64e’)

Error loading module 'plugin_openssl' from file '/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib':
dlopen(/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib, 0x0002): tried: '/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e'))

File: error loading module 'plugin_openssl' from file '/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin_openssl.dylib'

Is there any update?

Hey. So I recently was able to build OpenSSL for M1. Please test

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Thanks Vlad,

everything works fine now ! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Hi Vlad,

We are using Enterprise version 2022.3676 and there android openssl plugin still does not work.
Can you please add M1 plugin there as well?


Error: module ‘plugin.openssl’ not found:resource ( does not exist in archive
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: stack traceback:
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no field package.preload[‘plugin.openssl’]
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘(null)/plugin/openssl.lua’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘(null)/plugin/openssl.lua’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘/data/app/~~ALyicRRNvD-VGWjk4nPZAA==/com.example.test-lIXsRNNic7f_VxdYOePaVQ==/lib/arm64/libplugin/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘./plugin/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘(null)/plugin/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘/data/app/~~ALyicRRNvD-VGWjk4nPZAA==/com.example.test-lIXsRNNic7f_VxdYOePaVQ==/lib/arm64/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘./’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘(null)/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘/data/app/~~ALyicRRNvD-VGWjk4nPZAA==/com.example.test-lIXsRNNic7f_VxdYOePaVQ==/lib/arm64/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘./’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no file ‘(null)/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no Java class ‘plugin.openssl.LuaLoader’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no global loaded symbol ‘luaopen_plugin_openssl’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: no zipped .so symbol at ‘/data/app/~~ALyicRRNvD-VGWjk4nPZAA==/com.example.test-lIXsRNNic7f_VxdYOePaVQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/’
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at require (External Function)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at require (?:0)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at (Unknown Function) (?:0)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at require (External Function)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at require (?:0)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at ? (?:0)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at on_settings_updated (?:0)
07-31 09:56:48.773 22927 23104 I System.out: at (Unknown Function) (?:0)