OS X Desktop Notifications

Forgive me - I’m starting a new topic for this in case Rob/Perry didn’t see the updates to the old one…

We’re looking at using Corona SDK for our business app and our only stumbling block is the lack of OS X desktop notifications… but that’s a big deal.  We need to be able to show badge notifications on a Mac dock icon as Skype and Slack do.

Rob previously suggested that we could ask a plugin developer to make this happen, which we’d be happy to do, but talking with Scott Harrison it seems that there would still need to be a change to the Corona core for this to happen.

Is that a possibility?


Like Perry likes to say “It’s software. Anything is possible”. But the reality is we have a lot of things to work on. This isn’t an easy item to add and our team is busy with things that are in higher demand.

This starts with a feature request posted at http://feedback.coronalabs.com and get some votes on it. 


OK, that’s what I wanted to get a sense of.  We’d be happy to pay a plugin developer to implement something, but it’s correct to say that they couldn’t do this until you’d made a change in the core?


That’s based on Scott’s assessment. But until I have a feature request, I can’t get engineering to look at it.


Right - will raise that.  Many thanks Rob

This is probably not what you need, but you can fire local notifications on MacOS via applescript like this:

local function showNotification( title, subtitle, message, sound )          local sound = sound or "Alert"     local script = [[osascript -e "display notification \"]] .. message .. [[\" with title \"]] ..title.. [[\" subtitle \"]] .. subtitle .. [[\" sound name \"]] .. sound .. [[\""]]          os.execute(script) end timer.performWithDelay( 3000, function()     showNotification("Notification Title", "Some subtitle", "Here is a notification message...") end )

Thanks very much ojnab

Like Perry likes to say “It’s software. Anything is possible”. But the reality is we have a lot of things to work on. This isn’t an easy item to add and our team is busy with things that are in higher demand.

This starts with a feature request posted at http://feedback.coronalabs.com and get some votes on it. 


OK, that’s what I wanted to get a sense of.  We’d be happy to pay a plugin developer to implement something, but it’s correct to say that they couldn’t do this until you’d made a change in the core?


That’s based on Scott’s assessment. But until I have a feature request, I can’t get engineering to look at it.


Right - will raise that.  Many thanks Rob

This is probably not what you need, but you can fire local notifications on MacOS via applescript like this:

local function showNotification( title, subtitle, message, sound )          local sound = sound or "Alert"     local script = [[osascript -e "display notification \"]] .. message .. [[\" with title \"]] ..title.. [[\" subtitle \"]] .. subtitle .. [[\" sound name \"]] .. sound .. [[\""]]          os.execute(script) end timer.performWithDelay( 3000, function()     showNotification("Notification Title", "Some subtitle", "Here is a notification message...") end )

Thanks very much ojnab