OSX Builds failing as of 9th Oct PM

Trying to build for an update on Steam, and I’m getting this error. The .app launches if I run it, but I’m guessing it hasn’t been signed properly and it won’t work on Steam.

Happens on Corona build 2940 and 2970. Windows builds are ok. 

El Capitan 10.11.4

XCode 7.3.1

/Users/nick/Dropbox/Beta Builds/Retro Football Boss.app: unsealed contents present in the root directory of an embedded framework

In subcomponent: /Users/nick/Dropbox/Beta Builds/Retro Football Boss.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework

BUILD ERROR: code signing failed: /Users/nick/Dropbox/Beta Builds/Retro Football Boss.app: unsealed contents present in the root directory of an embedded framework

In subcomponent: /Users/nick/Dropbox/Beta Builds/Retro Football Boss.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework

OS X build failed (12) after 13 seconds

Solved by building in another folder, deleting the old .app file and switching back to the original folder.

Hmmm … maybe we should be more aggressive about removing the .app before doing release builds.  I’ll look into it.

Solved by building in another folder, deleting the old .app file and switching back to the original folder.

Hmmm … maybe we should be more aggressive about removing the .app before doing release builds.  I’ll look into it.