Out First Game on AppStore! - DOMINO EFFECT


We’ve just launched our first game for iOS (and coming soon to Android) called Domino Effect.

Courier Studio is so proud to present its first game on the App Store!!

Here you can see the promotional video

Link to App Store:

Playing is easy, drag the dominoes you need from dashboard and drop them in the level scenario. Try to knock over the first domino and you’ll see the domino effect hitting the checkered domino. Each level has three bonus star pieces, find out how to pick them to increase your score and unlock new worlds!

Any feedback will be welcomed. Looking forward to hear from you guys.

Thanks a lot CoronaSDK!! You’ve been so helpful. [import]uid: 81082 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 331190[/import]

Huge congrats on your first game!

This looks like an excellent app, will try to pick it up in the next few days.

Best of luck with downloads!

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124747[/import]

Excellent work! [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124755[/import]

Thank you @RSCdev and Peach!! [import]uid: 81082 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124842[/import]

Huge congrats on your first game!

This looks like an excellent app, will try to pick it up in the next few days.

Best of luck with downloads!

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124747[/import]

Excellent work! [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124755[/import]

Thank you @RSCdev and Peach!! [import]uid: 81082 topic_id: 31190 reply_id: 124842[/import]