Outlaw Companion (iOS)

I wrote this dumb little iOS app for myself some time ago but re-engineered it in CoronaSDK. Decided to just throw it into the App Store for free because why not.

It figures out what state (of the United States) you’re in and tells you whether or not you need to wear a helmet when you’re riding your motorcycle on a multi-state road trip. And that’s it. That’s all it does.

175 lines of code and half of those are comments. :slight_smile:

The reasoning behind doing a rewrite was to test the waters for CoronaSDK for something bigger I have planned, learn Lua, etc. Wanted to also mention that I’m impressed with what CoronaSDK has to offer, even though I’m not writing a game with it, just a business app kind of thing. I was previously using a different but somewhat similar commercial IDE/SDK thingy that was too expensive to maintain for a hobby. What’s worse, it egregiously used binary project files so no source control was possible. As a professional SCM/DevOps guy it made me cringe. The recent infrastructure issues and lack of local builds with CoronaSDK give me pause, but my next bigger project is just a hobby, too, so no revenue/business will be tied to it.

Lastly, as seems to be tradition, I’ll mention that I used one plugin, the great, useful, worth every penny Corona Plugin for Xcode. If you’re using CoronaSDK on a Mac I highly recommend it.

It looks awesome. Just a small note that if you are using xCode already it is a small jump from there to building locally. Especially since in your case you don’t even have plugins.