overlay and touch events passed to scene underneath?


In my game scene I’m showing overlay - which is notice box taking 90% width and 30% height from the top.

I noticed when that overlay is displayed touch events don’t work on the previous scene (which is still visible in bottom 70%) 

Is there a way to fix that?

Or should I remove overlay and dispay that notice box in game scene?

Check your overlay options: https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/composer/showOverlay.html#ismodal-optional

Or post some simple code showing your problem.

isModal (optional)

Boolean. When set to true, this prevents touches from passing through the overlay scene to objects in the underlying scene. Default is false.

How did I missed that.

Thanks horacebury

Check your overlay options: https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/composer/showOverlay.html#ismodal-optional

Or post some simple code showing your problem.

isModal (optional)

Boolean. When set to true, this prevents touches from passing through the overlay scene to objects in the underlying scene. Default is false.

How did I missed that.

Thanks horacebury