Overlay hide doesn't work

This code should show the overlay on first tap (works), then hide on second tap, but instead of hiding nothing happens. Do I misunderstand the usage of an overlay? I’m using the Windows Simulator.

function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view local dummy = display.newText("show overlay", 0, 100, native.systemFont, 20) group:insert(dummy) self.overlayShown = false function dummy:tap(event) if self.overlayShown==true then print("\nhide overlay() called") storyboard.hideOverlay() self.overlayShown = false return true end storyboard.showOverlay("overlayscene") self.overlayShown = true return true end dummy:addEventListener("tap", dummy) end scene:addEventListener( "createScene" )

I already sent a bug report but never heard anything in return.

Thanks for any suggestions.

  • Martin

We finally got an answer from Corona. It’s a bug. They promise to be looking at it at the beginning of this week.

We finally got an answer from Corona. It’s a bug. They promise to be looking at it at the beginning of this week.

We got the following message on 08/02/2013:

“The overlay.hide bug was introduced while fixing some other bugs in Storyboard. We are testing internally at the moment a new storyboard version, which contains a new architecture and fixes, including this issue. I will however see if i can patch in a fix for the overlay into the current version, i’ll update you when that’s in.
Thanks again, Alexandru Frangeti”

Nothing heard since then. I have to say this is very disappointing. Corona support for paying customers sucks. Existing bugs are not fixed for weeks, even months. On the other hand Corona has added many new features during the same time.

Just want to inform everyone who is considering to buy Corona to think it over. Don’t expect any support at all.

Hi Martin.  Any software engineering effort has to strike a balance between bugs that need fixed and features that need added.  Some bugs are more severe than others and some features are more important to others.  We have to weigh the needs of the entire community when we decide what needs fixed and when vs. what new features need to be produced.

In this case, Storyboard 2.0 is getting pretty close to being ready.  And less severe bugs in Storyboard 1.0 are being fixed in 2.0 which we will be making available in the near future.   We are not ignoring you.  We fixed the bug, but the rest of the package isn’t ready to roll out yet. 

for the sake of completeness, the first response:

“Hi there, First of all, sorry for not responding to this. Sometimes there’s a lot to do, and that tends to make things easier to overlook. I just tested on Win and can replicate. I’ll be looking at this beginning of next week. Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience caused, Alexandru Frangeti”

BTW: It is not the right way to let paying customers do the (beta?) testing. That may work for free products such as Google Docs etc. It sure doesn’t work in your case. Don’t you guys have automated tests which run before publishing and warn about errors? Well, you should have. Quality is what professional software development is about, quantity comes in second place.

BTW2: If I where you I would bring back the Indie license. Removing the Indie license was a huge management mistake, since now Corona is in a higher price range, but cannot compete with other product, neighter the features, nor the quality, and especially not the performance. I would reconsider your decision.

To answer your first BTW:  Yes we do automated testing.  But you can’t test for every possible use case.  Developers come up with some pretty interesting ways to do things.

I don’t believe it’s fair to categorize our public builds as beta tests.  If you consider a product like Adobe’s Photoshop, they release roughly once per year.  That gives them plenty of time to address bugs that are in their product todo/tofix list (known as the backlog).  But people have to wait a full year to get new features and those fixes. 

The mobile app world is dependent on the Operating Systems and third party features (i.e. Facebook, AdMob,etc.).  It would be very bad for us to wait a year to release a new version of Corona SDK to the public.  We release about every three months or so.  We have to do this because sometimes the vendors force it on us, like Barnes & Nobel’s DRM changes last year, or Apple’s rejecting apps that use UDID earlier this year.  If our public version doesn’t address those, then you the customer are broken if you can’t submit. 

Sometimes we have important features that you really need like getting plugin support in.  We can’t wait a year to deliver these.  As such, there is only so much work, be it features, bugs, etc. that an be addressed in each public build cycle and the engineering team has to make decisions on what gets fixed/added and when.

Now for daily builds, yes, those could easily be considered beta builds.  We do automated testing on them, but not to the level that we do a public build.  When you choose to use a daily build, you understand that we may introduce some  regression bugs or the feature may not be as rich as it will be in exchange for early access to features and fixes.  We have never referred to those as stable builds. 

If we were not in an industry that is evolving at break-neck speeds, a longer fix, add and release cycle might make sense.  But in Mobile, you can’t wait a year to get features.  In fact we probably should go faster, not slower.  This is why the plugin system was critical because we can get features out to the public build faster than waiting on a release cycle.

Hopefully this will give you some insite into the engineering challenges that define how we work. 

Another 2 weeks have passed, still no bug fix. Please let us know when exactly this bug will be fixed. We’ll finish our app due to the end of this month and we need to know if we can count on a bug fix till then or not.


i hade similar problem 
make sure all your “stuff” is in storyboard groups 
else you cant hide them 

i did i quik test whit your code and i can hide it 
using Build 2013.1202


Hi, thank you very much, that works  :slight_smile: ! I changed the code above in case someone has the same problem.

So much for the Corona support… was not helpful at all :angry:

We got the following message on 08/02/2013:

“The overlay.hide bug was introduced while fixing some other bugs in Storyboard. We are testing internally at the moment a new storyboard version, which contains a new architecture and fixes, including this issue. I will however see if i can patch in a fix for the overlay into the current version, i’ll update you when that’s in.
Thanks again, Alexandru Frangeti”

Nothing heard since then. I have to say this is very disappointing. Corona support for paying customers sucks. Existing bugs are not fixed for weeks, even months. On the other hand Corona has added many new features during the same time.

Just want to inform everyone who is considering to buy Corona to think it over. Don’t expect any support at all.

Hi Martin.  Any software engineering effort has to strike a balance between bugs that need fixed and features that need added.  Some bugs are more severe than others and some features are more important to others.  We have to weigh the needs of the entire community when we decide what needs fixed and when vs. what new features need to be produced.

In this case, Storyboard 2.0 is getting pretty close to being ready.  And less severe bugs in Storyboard 1.0 are being fixed in 2.0 which we will be making available in the near future.   We are not ignoring you.  We fixed the bug, but the rest of the package isn’t ready to roll out yet. 

for the sake of completeness, the first response:

“Hi there, First of all, sorry for not responding to this. Sometimes there’s a lot to do, and that tends to make things easier to overlook. I just tested on Win and can replicate. I’ll be looking at this beginning of next week. Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience caused, Alexandru Frangeti”

BTW: It is not the right way to let paying customers do the (beta?) testing. That may work for free products such as Google Docs etc. It sure doesn’t work in your case. Don’t you guys have automated tests which run before publishing and warn about errors? Well, you should have. Quality is what professional software development is about, quantity comes in second place.

BTW2: If I where you I would bring back the Indie license. Removing the Indie license was a huge management mistake, since now Corona is in a higher price range, but cannot compete with other product, neighter the features, nor the quality, and especially not the performance. I would reconsider your decision.

To answer your first BTW:  Yes we do automated testing.  But you can’t test for every possible use case.  Developers come up with some pretty interesting ways to do things.

I don’t believe it’s fair to categorize our public builds as beta tests.  If you consider a product like Adobe’s Photoshop, they release roughly once per year.  That gives them plenty of time to address bugs that are in their product todo/tofix list (known as the backlog).  But people have to wait a full year to get new features and those fixes. 

The mobile app world is dependent on the Operating Systems and third party features (i.e. Facebook, AdMob,etc.).  It would be very bad for us to wait a year to release a new version of Corona SDK to the public.  We release about every three months or so.  We have to do this because sometimes the vendors force it on us, like Barnes & Nobel’s DRM changes last year, or Apple’s rejecting apps that use UDID earlier this year.  If our public version doesn’t address those, then you the customer are broken if you can’t submit. 

Sometimes we have important features that you really need like getting plugin support in.  We can’t wait a year to deliver these.  As such, there is only so much work, be it features, bugs, etc. that an be addressed in each public build cycle and the engineering team has to make decisions on what gets fixed/added and when.

Now for daily builds, yes, those could easily be considered beta builds.  We do automated testing on them, but not to the level that we do a public build.  When you choose to use a daily build, you understand that we may introduce some  regression bugs or the feature may not be as rich as it will be in exchange for early access to features and fixes.  We have never referred to those as stable builds. 

If we were not in an industry that is evolving at break-neck speeds, a longer fix, add and release cycle might make sense.  But in Mobile, you can’t wait a year to get features.  In fact we probably should go faster, not slower.  This is why the plugin system was critical because we can get features out to the public build faster than waiting on a release cycle.

Hopefully this will give you some insite into the engineering challenges that define how we work. 

Another 2 weeks have passed, still no bug fix. Please let us know when exactly this bug will be fixed. We’ll finish our app due to the end of this month and we need to know if we can count on a bug fix till then or not.


i hade similar problem 
make sure all your “stuff” is in storyboard groups 
else you cant hide them 

i did i quik test whit your code and i can hide it 
using Build 2013.1202


Hi, thank you very much, that works  :slight_smile: ! I changed the code above in case someone has the same problem.

So much for the Corona support… was not helpful at all :angry: