Hey, @doubleslashdesign, in case you’re still looking for a solution, what you need to do is to set/change the x/y coordinate of the emitter, either when you create the emitter or whenever you want to reposition it.
If you want to position an emitter at the time you create it, then setting the value of x and y position would do. The sample is positioned in the center:
-- this is copied from the sample fireworks
Particles.CreateEmitter("Explosion1", screenW\*0.5, screenH\*0.5, 180, false, false)
Change it from the center of the screen to x=100 and y=100 position at the time the emitter is created:
-- SCREENW is the x and SCREENH is the y position
Particles.CreateEmitter("Explosion1", 100, 100, 180, false, false)
If you want to change the position of the emitter at runtime instead, I think we need to get the emitter first, then set its position. Edit: I see on Fireworks sample how it resets the position of the emitter, which is different from what I thought how it works. So I’ve edited the code.
-- assuming you created the emitter called "Explosion1"
Particles.GetEmitter("Explosion1").x = 100
Particles.GetEmitter("Explosion1").y = 100
I just wrote this up, and I haven’t verified the code, so it may not work. But maybe it can help get your code working…?
Naomi [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 35674 reply_id: 142017[/import]