Passing Target in the ListView

Instead of posting the entire code, here’s the link of what I’m playing with:

The listView is a great tool, and probably the most necessary part of displaying data for me.

I can see that when the List Item is touched, a new screen is transitioned, while the backBtn is transitioned into view - along with a small text message displaying which List Item was touched in the array.

Here’s the thing, I want to detect a preset ID, or Name, or Database ID (if the list item is populated from a database).

lines 34 - 49

function listButtonRelease( event )  
 self =  
 local id =  
 detailScreenText.text = "You tapped item ".., {time=400, x=display.contentWidth\*-1, transition=easing.outExpo }), {time=400, x=0, transition=easing.outExpo }), {time=400, x=math.floor(backBtn.width/2) + screenOffsetW\*.5 + 6, transition=easing.outExpo }), {time=400, alpha=1 })  
 delta, velocity = 0, 0  

I see print( as the identifying feature in the touch event. And that’s the sorted number in the list.
How do I pass my own specific ID for each List Item, so I can look up specific data from the database?

I imagine it’s possible from within the table data provided:

-- setup some data local data = {} for i=1, 20 do data[i] = {} data[i].title = "List item ".. i local c = math.modf(i/5) data[i].category = "Category ".. c + 1 end [import]uid: 154122 topic_id: 28668 reply_id: 328668[/import]