All of a sudden I am getting path errors whilst building the project.
The scripts are trying to copy CoronaResources.bundle, Corona3rdPartyLicenses.txt etc
These files exist in ~/Library/Application Support/Corona/Native/Corona/ios/resource/ and are viewable in Xcode
The script seems to be joining 2 separate paths:
/Users/Spencer/Documents/Documents - iMac/CoronaNative/flashLight/ios/ AND
~/Library/Application Support/Corona/Native/Corona/ios/resource/CoronaResources.bundle
error: /Users/Spencer/Documents/Documents - iMac/CoronaNative/flashLight/ios/~/Library/Application Support/Corona/Native/Corona/ios/resource/CoronaResources.bundle: No such file or directory
I have several native projects that I have built in the past without issue. At present nothing will build.
I worked through the flashlight tutorial to see if that work and I get the same path issue.
The only thing I can think of is that I have downloaded a newer version of Corona and re-run the native setup script.
Any ideas on how to fix this?? I have attached the log