Hi everyone, just had a quick performance related questions. To speed up development when using Storyboard I have started using a system for loading objects that makes it easier to unload memory codewise in exitScene and destroyScene functions.
What I do is at the top of my lua file I specify several tables such as f = {} for functions, v for variables, and dos for display objects
I insert ALL of my display objects in that scene into the dos table when I load them up.
local dos = {}
dos.object = display.newImage("example.png", more parameters)
I use these objects in runtime listeners and am forced to refer to them with the “dos” extensions such as
dos.object.x = 100
I do not mind doing this at all since it pays off when I can just iterate through most of the table in destoryScene and remove these objects VERY fast. I was wondering if this causes performance issues (haven’t personally noticed a difference in my games using a 2 year old android device and a fast moving game). Also if this does cause performance issues, exactly how bad are they? [import]uid: 164950 topic_id: 36303 reply_id: 336303[/import]