Physics based game runs poorly on devices


I have a really big problem -

I’ve created a physics based game that contantly adds and subtracts physical objects in and from a Table.

The project is barely 20mb, everything runs smoothly, but inside the scene with the physical objects, it kills even a nexus7 after some point…

I’m writing down  the main function that handles the physical objects inside the table…

Please, If you see anything wrong here that might indicate a memory problem please write it down - thank you :slight_smile:

function newCrate()

local crate=""

local isPopped=0

local check=math.random(1,4)

    if(check==1) then


    elseif (check==2) then


    elseif(check==3) then







    crate.width = 50

    crate.height= 50


    local px=math.random(50,900)

    crate.x= px

    local rotate=math.random(0,359)


    physics.addBody(crate, “dynamic”, {bounce=0.5})

    local pl=math.random(0.5,2.5)

    crate.linearDamping =pl


    local check2=(math.random(1,2))

    if(check2==1) then

    local,{time=8000, rotation=rotate+360})


    local,{time=8000, rotation=rotate-360})


        local function reventar(event)

        if(event.object2.class==“ball”) then

            event.object1.fastkill = true

        elseif(event.object1.class==“ball”) then

            event.object2.fastkill = true



    local function suck(obj)

        local good=display.newImage(“Photos/Spiral.png”)

        good.x=obj.x; good.y=obj.y


        local, {time=300, xScale=0.5,yScale=0.5,alpha=0,rotation=180})

        local, {time=250, width=0,height=0,x=obj.x, y=obj.y,alpha=0})


        if isPlaying then

        trans=nil;good:removeSelf(); good=nil;trans2=nil




local function loop(event)

         for i = #t, 1, -1 do

            local object = t[i]


                if(object~=nil) then



                            if(isPaused) then






                            if(slowMo==false) then






                                if(object.y~=nil) and object.y>700 then


                                    local child = table.remove(t, i) 

                                            if child ~= nil then


                                            child = nil






                                            Runtime:removeEventListener(“enterFrame”, loop)


                                                if(moveTrans~=nil) then






                                 elseif object.fastkill then

                                        if isDouble then





                                    if(isPopped~=nil) then



                                            local popSound = pop )






                                    local child = table.remove(t, i) 


                                            if child ~= nil and isPlaying then


                                                child = nil







                                                Runtime:removeEventListener(“enterFrame”, loop)


                                                    if(moveTrans~=nil) then











for i=1,#t do

        t[i].id = i


Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, loop)



I’d suggest you first try the memory monitoring feature mentioned in this blog post so that you can determine for cerrtain whether the problem is a memory leak or not:  If it is, then we can go hunting for the root cause.  If it’s not, then it must be some other issue.

(As a separate point, I happened to notice you’re trying to implement a slow motion feature using linearDamping.  linearDamping may give the appearance of a slower motion, but it’s not actually.  What you probably want to use is physics.setTimeScale().)

  • Andrew

From what I tested, i dont seem to have a memory leak…

maybe it’s something to do with the physics objects? or the use of table.insert?

Can’t read the code easily on my mobile (kinda ironic CL :slight_smile: ), however are you creating lots of display objects and physics bodies at runtime?

Hi Dan,

At a quick glance, that’s a lot to be running/checking in a Runtime loop. Try to figure out a more “event based” system where you don’t need to check and configure all of this stuff in a runtime loop. Also, “table.remove” and “table.insert” are not the fastest Lua functions, and you should avoid them if possible (or if you must use them, don’t use them in Runtime, and pre-declare them as locals so you’re not constantly calling the global Lua reference to them).

Here’s a guide on some performance tricks:

Hope this helps,


table.insert() is a very slow operation.  If you are just adding them at the end, doing:

myTable[#myTable+1] = something – is much faster.

I don’t think that’s even the fastest way.  We did a Tuesday Blog Tutorial on optimizing apps a few months ago.   See:

thanks guys, i’ll give it a try :slight_smile:

I’d suggest you first try the memory monitoring feature mentioned in this blog post so that you can determine for cerrtain whether the problem is a memory leak or not:  If it is, then we can go hunting for the root cause.  If it’s not, then it must be some other issue.

(As a separate point, I happened to notice you’re trying to implement a slow motion feature using linearDamping.  linearDamping may give the appearance of a slower motion, but it’s not actually.  What you probably want to use is physics.setTimeScale().)

  • Andrew

From what I tested, i dont seem to have a memory leak…

maybe it’s something to do with the physics objects? or the use of table.insert?

Can’t read the code easily on my mobile (kinda ironic CL :slight_smile: ), however are you creating lots of display objects and physics bodies at runtime?

Hi Dan,

At a quick glance, that’s a lot to be running/checking in a Runtime loop. Try to figure out a more “event based” system where you don’t need to check and configure all of this stuff in a runtime loop. Also, “table.remove” and “table.insert” are not the fastest Lua functions, and you should avoid them if possible (or if you must use them, don’t use them in Runtime, and pre-declare them as locals so you’re not constantly calling the global Lua reference to them).

Here’s a guide on some performance tricks:

Hope this helps,


table.insert() is a very slow operation.  If you are just adding them at the end, doing:

myTable[#myTable+1] = something – is much faster.

I don’t think that’s even the fastest way.  We did a Tuesday Blog Tutorial on optimizing apps a few months ago.   See:

thanks guys, i’ll give it a try :slight_smile: