Physics bodies getting stuck in each other


I’m making a puzzle game that uses a simple grid of squares. For the most part, I don’t use physics, but when the user loses the game I turn the 8x8 grid of rects into physics bodies and apply random impulses to them so I can simulate an “explosion” animation. The only physics bodies are the rects from the grid. The effect looks pretty good! Here’s what I’m doing:

physics.start() for i = 1, gridGroup.gridWidth do for j = 1, gridGroup.gridHeight do physics.addBody(tiles[i][j].rect) tiles[i][j].rect:applyLinearImpulse( (math.random(10) - 5) \* 0.03, (math.random(10) - 5) \* 0.03, tiles[i][j].rect.x, tiles[i][j].rect.y ) tiles[i][j].rect:applyTorque( (math.random(10) - 5) \* 0.02 ) end end

But maybe 1/3 the time this animation fires, everything seems to get stuck and jitters for a second. As best I can tell, it appears that some of the rects are partially intersecting each other and getting stuck, and it remedies itself very quickly, but it’s quite noticeable.

Any ideas?

Solved my own problem - turns out some other animations were just at the very tail end of finishing (it was a quartic easing curve, so it was invisible to the human eye) and they were fighting with the physics engine trying to position the objects.

Try making the bodies sensors.

Solved my own problem - turns out some other animations were just at the very tail end of finishing (it was a quartic easing curve, so it was invisible to the human eye) and they were fighting with the physics engine trying to position the objects.

Try making the bodies sensors.